Final conference in Naples
The final conference of REACT took place on the 3rd of October 2019 in Naples, organised by the Italian partner LUETEC in the auditorium of Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Enrico De Nicola".
The conference started with a welcoming speech of by the school’s headmaster Stefano Zen, who introduced the audience to the subject of intercultural understanding and tolerance by presenting the history of the idea of tolerance through the centuries: from Erasmus of Rotterdam through Voltaire to the present years in Europe which led to the creation of the Erasmus+ project in 1987.
After that, Maria Giovanna Romaniello, president of LUETEC, organising partner of the final conference, introduced the REACT project topic to the audience (teachers, adult people, and students of the Enrico De Nicola Institute).
Then Ewelina Firszt, representative of the applicant organisation FIRRiP, presented the aims, objectives and main results of the REACT project. This was continued by the presentation of the Methodological Guide as the main result of the project. Every partner presented the methods and activities that they were responsible for.
During coffee break there was active discussion among young and adult learners and educators.
After the break a presentation and comment about Inclusive teaching for adults was delivered by Ms. Maria Giovanna Romaniello. In particular she presented the lessons of the Methodological Guide, which are about the prevention of Hate speech in all its forms.
Then she left the word to the professor Luigi Guadagni who spoke about tolerance education and multicultural education in different educational contexts and summarised the topics of the event underlining how important it is for the community of the school - teachers, students, parents - to take part in Erasmus projects to develop intercultural competencies.