LUETEC University set up in Naples (Italy) in 2000 as Third Age University. During the years LUETEC has established itself as a Lifelong Learning Education centre for young and adult people diversifying the training offer from year to year answering to different educational needs of students of all ages. LUETEC give rise to studies and researches in the development of new teaching/learning methodologies for young people and adults in different education contexts. LUETEC headquartered in the city of Naples as Organiser body of cultural events such as book presentations, festivals, and cultural meetings. The University also organises events which lead to the listening to Opera, theatre readings, piano concerts and other events related to give added values to the historic and artistic heritage of the city, also through the support of emerging artists.
Contact person: Maria Giovanna Romaniello | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | | +3908119137711